I don't sleep anymore since Wednesday. It's been so long now, but my eyes are still wet from that heavy rain that said goodbye to us. I don't even feel anything anymore. It is like being in a bubble, knowing that something has happened but not being able to believe it.
Even though not feeling anything, the only sensation I have is my heart beating so heavily and slow that I'm afraid it is going to stop any minute.
I'm scared I might stop breathing for a while and not be aware of it, and suddenly faint and discover another dimension. I'm just afraid that if you don't hug me soon I might vanish and become dust, simple dust.
I'm slowly disappearing from this place, but the question is, do you think I should stay?
It seems like the only person who was able to save me questioned the feelings and left me there, just on seafront, disappearing minute by minute while walking to that bus that would separate our ways forever.
So what do I do now?
I'm tired of crying and rolling in my bed like that is gonna help, I avoid you because only the thought of seeing you and not being able to hug you or kiss you makes me sad, I deleted your number just so I don't have the extreme desire of calling you just to hear your voice, I've blocked you, I don't talk to you at all...and yet I can't get that moment out of my mind. Your slow-walking rhythm was killing every single one of my little desires to run to you.
I guess it was a mistake to meet in the first place, but hey, from mistakes we learn as they say.
Thank you for being the sweetest mistake I've ever made.
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