
mr. and mrs. daye

we are softer than marshmallows


you are what i've been waiting for

You are there for me, whenever I feel lost
You are there when I feel bad about myself to remind me how amazing you think I am
You are there when I'm happy, to share my happiness
You are there at 3am, at 7am and at 6pm.
You are there when I'm angry, and you make me feel calmed
You are there when I look for you
You are there now, that I need you
You are there, coming up with plans of traveling Europe with me
You are there, making me smile every day when I wake up for the last 2 weeks
You are even there to make me smile just before I fall asleep
You make me laugh like no one has before
You made sure I knew you'd never make me cry
You've opened your heart
You've let me open mine
You said "we're gonna be unstoppable"
You kissed me and made me feel like the whole world was frozen
You embraced me and I felt protected
You took my hand and I knew I was never gonna let yours go
You believed in me when I felt invisible to everyone else
You whispered and my heart heard it
You smiled, and let me tell you, that could just make my day
You get me excited about things we're gonna do, things I always wondered why I was doing them alone...
You teach me and I learn
You talk and I listen
You listen and I talk
We jump
We sleep
We sing
We dance
We run for late trains
We cook
I burn, you don't
We laugh, we laugh so much
We feel sensitive
and when I feel useless, again, you are there, sending me all that love that will make me want to get up
We define ourselves as free spirits and we prove it
You find a song, a lyric, that will make me feel butterflies
You take me in your arms and you make me feel desired
You make me feel (like a natural woman)
You are awake when I sleep
You claimed my soul and here I am

and for all those things, for making me feel like this, just like this... Thank you

don't be scared. we won't screw it up, this is gonna be amazing. just live it, we'll end up floating in space


my whole house smells of Zoran's roast chicken . Feels like sunday. Those jazzy and rainy sundays


sparkles again

Klea is starting to feel the sparkle again. Look out there, it's snowing. We are gonna be big baby, very big