
años pasados, tiempos anteriores

Tenía cuatro años. Mi abuela había adquirido este fabuloso vestido en algun lugar de los Balcanes, y yo me enamoré. Siempre me hacía recordad Sonrisas y Lágrimas, y me auto-convencía de que yo era parte de ellos (claro que en esos tiempos mi cerebro no programaba tales ideas como el auto-convencimiento. Todo era mucho más siemple. Yo era la octava de sonrisas y lágrimas, y punto). La foto fue tomada en Budva, una ciudad costera en Montenegro (en aquella época aún parte de la ya destrozada Yugoslavia que algunos solían añorar) en verano del 95'
Me acuerdo de lo mucho que me excitó la idea de estar en Londres. Era mi primera vez. El olor a neumáticos quemados, el sol, los míticos días de 37ºC que pasaron a la historia como uno de los veranos más calurosos en Inglaterra. Todo me pareció gigantesco, enorme, elegante. Se convirtió en mi ciudad favorita. Y mírame ahora donde estoy...

Ésta fue la priemra vez que nos hicieron fotos a mamá y a mí en un estudio. Me acuerdo de ese pañuelo, que sigue guardado en algún cajón. Por aquel entonces yo tenía 4 años y segía yendo a la guardería Balmes Pi, mi cabello era denso como el de una india y adoraba llevar calcetines. El estudio se encontraba en el cruce de Diagonal con paseo de San Juan, pero en la parte sur, tocando Tetuán.

Fue uno de esos días en los que nos cogían y nos decían: "va nens, la foto de curs!" Lo más excitante de esos días es que no teníamos que llevar bata. El alivio que sentía yo en esos momentos es como la sensación que tengo cuando me dicen: "no hay examen" o "no ha venido el profe, tenemos hora libre" (siempre y cuando no haya estudiado NADA y signifique mucho el no tener un examen). Que recuerdos! Ojalá en la universidad lleváramos todos bata, no solo los de química!

Éste es mi abuelo. Solía ir (siempre que podía) a su casa de Coto de Puertoviejo. Recuerdo crecer allí, recuerdo las peras del mercado, los platos antiguos, recuerdo sus siestas diarias, recuerdo el olor a tabaco, recuerdo el amora del interior de su Mercedes tapizado con cuero negro, recuerdo también las veces que me dejó probar la espuma de la cerveza, recuerdo su motocicleta roja con la que me llevaba a dar un paseo sin casco, recuerdo a Germán y las rosas del jardín, recuerdo el columpio del jardín y las tardes de lluvia. Fue mi abuelo el que me compró mi primera bici y el que me enseñó a montar con 3 ruedas, quitando una de las pequeñas de atrás, fue mi abuelo el que me dejaba ir a la piscina de mayores. Fue en la piscina comunitaria del edificio donde vivia mi abuelo en la que aprendí a nadar, en la que me puse contentísima por poder tocar el fondo de la piscina con la punta de los dedos, fue el abuelo que me decía que su barriga era tan grande porque me había dado a luz, cada tarde se comía sus mandarinas y el olor permanecía en sus dedos, el olor a café fuerte inundaba la vivienda cada mañana y cada tarde después de comer, nunca me puso ninguna excusa para parar a comprar chucherías en las gasolineras de los 90, cada mañana paseábamos a la perra juntos, fue mi abuelo el primero que me compró un vestido en el Corte Inglés, recibí mi primer Mickey Mouse de mi abuelo, me tapaba con la manta especial cada noche para que no pasara frío y cada tarde mientras dormíamos la siesta, y mi abuelo nunca jamás me gritó ni se puso agresivo. Los avisos los daba con tal elegancia que parecía mentira y verdad al mismo tiempo. Sólo si no nos hubiera dejado aquél triste día a finales de octubre del 96. Se hubiera puesto muy contento si me hubiera visto en Menudas Estrellas, o si me viese ahora. Universitaria, estudiante, independiente, alta, grande, pero aún pequeña y aún ansiosa de más chucherías y tardes en la piscina y encima de su motocicleta. Oh abuelo, sigues en mi corazón y te recuerdo, y te añoro, y te tengo muy presente. Y que raro va a sonar, pero ¡cómo te quiero!

أنا أحبه وهو يعرف ذلك


veinte años

Es una de aquellas canciones que puedo escuchar todo el tiempo, sea mañana, mediodía, tarde. Casualmente, como todas las canciones de BVSC, me recuerda a una experiencia vivida en mi propia piel. Que grandes!

¿Qué te importa que te ame
Si tú no me quieres ya?
El amor que ya ha pasado
No se debe recordar.
Fui la ilusión de tu vida
Un día lejano ya
Hoy represento al pasado
No me puedo conformar
Hoy represento al pasado
No me puedo conformar

Si las cosas que uno quiere
Se pudieran alcanzar
Tú me quisieras lo mismo
Que veinte años atrás.

Con qué tristeza miramos
Un amor que se nos va -es un pedazo del
Alma que se arranca sin piedad.


summer ends

Let's start from the start. Hmmm...Cliché.
My summers are well known for the constant activity. This summer especially has had it. I landed in the beautiful Venezia, and spent 2 days in Italy. Of course, the big disappointment was the rainy weather in Trieste, however it did give me time to finish at least 2 books that were on my mind...
Ended up staying in a beautiful place in Istria (Croatia) for 10 days, and man! how I enjoyed it!
After those relaxing 10 days, mum and I left in her Citroën C3, on our way to Zagreb. Spent the afternoon with some friends on the lake and drove all the way to Belgrade, where we arrived at 11pm or so.
What I really hate about arriving at 11pm to Belgrade is that I'm so excited that I'm there and I wanna see so many people that I get to sleep 3 hours because I just can't keep my brain calmed. (note to myself: u really gotta work on that...)
So, my days were up and down. Saw all my friends, went to the gym every single day (and smiled at my trainer's flirtatious comments (does the gym always have to be so sexual in serbia?) and had a drink with him on the lake, twice, and got his email, and never answered to his messages, and ended up confessing I was deeply in love with someone else who was in India and I was waiting for him to come back so we could get married) kisses F a little bit, kissed him a little bit more, went to Santana's concert, danced with Prodigy, played Tennis and met some terrifying cute guys, spent 80p on Cinema at least 11 times during 1 month, discovered Gotan Project, went to some bohemian parties that balcanic artists organized in their communistic style flats that haven't been re-painted for the last 40 years with vintage fridges and old radios, and where everyone was still dressed as if they were living in the 80's, danced with my mum, accidentally got into accidents with dangerous substances that made me laugh for 9 hours and sleep inside a swimmingpool, ate the biggest crêpê in Belgrade (for the good like times), look at my mosquito's bites marks through my whole body, presented myself as someone else, including a paintor from Paris in an Futuristic Art Exhibition, a dancer from Greece that studied classical ballet in London and Moscow, a journalist student from Rome, an actress from London, a singer from Argentina and a photograhper-to-be from Berlin (but born in Prague)...

Ended up having a great time in Belgrade, but suffocated too much at the end. So I took the mini-bus and travelled all the way to Rumania, in concrete, Temisoara.

My Wizz Air flight was only 60 euros from Temisoara to my beautiful hometown, Barcelona! So there I was, landing at the Prat Airport at 7.25 (in fact, we left Rumania 45 minutes late, and arrived 25 minutes earlier than expected. In the meantime I asked a woman from the cabin crew if we were gonna be very long, and when she said: "one more hour" I jumped and said with a smile: "haha, can you hurry up a little bit?"...seems like it made effect on someone!)

So, I had 10 days in my favourite city before coming back to London...hmmm what was I gonna do in 10 days? Easy. Live it at the max, and I did.
Went to the CCCB (for those ones who don't know what it is, it's a Center of Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, where you have constant Exhibitions and it's one of the top places to visit if you go to Barcelona or even if you live there) and because in August they have open-air cinema, I went twice. Once to see "Tout est pardonné" and the second time to see "Chungking Express". Went to a Kebab place with my best friend. Invited my best friend and her boyfriend to have dinner with me, had a good hug from Armand, partied at Apolo twice, saw some old-time friends, went to Yaimara's house while she wasn't there and laughed with her mum, ate loads of ice-cream, drank a lot of Granizado, went to IKEA to buy ginger cookies for my boys, went to the beach, saw my dad, went for a drink with a complete stranger, spent the last day with my first boyfriend ever (started dating when we were 4 years old. Stayed together for 1 whole year. Really liked him. Named Alex. Still love him, and he knows it) and my best friend, cut my hair in a Chinese hairdresser (one of the funniest experience of my life), met Serapi at 2am before he took his flight to NY and had a great conversation and never told told him that i missed him, met Sandra after a year, ended up in the police station at 2am because we were "mugged" and without a flip flop, got attacked by 5 years old boys (one of them was actually a girl) during a Jazz Concert, spent the last night with G, had a direct sex invitation from J in the middle of Paseo de Gracia (which I obviously declined), only ate ice-creams (I've already said it, I'm just saying it again), walked for the whole day and the whole night, took pictures of naked people, got naked myself, and got you naked.
Woke up next to you at 9 am and started packing, went to the beach to catch the last fresh breeze of summer's air and went back home to get my suitcases. Went to the airport, took the place, got drunk (on my own) on the plane with two bottles of amazingly expensive wine from France and Australia. Had lunch in London. Saw my boys and gave them a huge hug, and floted in my own "love-bubble" for the next couple of days. Got the news from mum, went to Brighton and stayed at Irene's, ended up getting naked at the nudist's beach and ended up surrounded by at least 10 guys in only 15 min, met...I don't remember his name, some random naked guy that joined us without invitation!! Partied with Emma, Jack, Alex, Mufseen, Zac, Steph, April and Mark. Saw Jett having "almost-sex" in his drunked state with a tinny person on the sofas of Audio, had a massive hug from Paddy (once in a lifetime?) and ended up not paying the bus fare to the old stupid bus driver of the night bus going to the Marina.
Had a profound conversation with Irene and danced Lady Gaga all day long.
Came back to London, got a job, got a house in which to rent a room, meet new people, found a course, found a University, got accepted, got offers from 5 different universities through Clearing, heard the day after on BBC News that this year 168.000 people did NOT get a place at universities in the UK, celebrated the fact that I wasn't one of those 168.000, partied after work, ended up gaining 150 pounds just on one night, bought a bike, went down to Brighton again, stayed at Emma's, had a great morning, afternoon, evening and night, ate too many cereals, talked too much about breasts, again ended half naked on the beach, saw someone I really wanted to see, and saw that person again the day after and didn't even get a "hello", made the alarm go off at the Apple Store (accidentally), took pictures, developed them, broke my camera, ate sushi with Irene, commented the good quality of the cook's butt and blushed, drank rice milk, had a discussion over "who's racist?", went to the cinema with great people and saw District 9, got confused and upset by the film, wished Emma an amazing time in Bestival (breast-ival?), took the train and arrived at home at 11 and watched Ocean's Eleven with my boys until 1am.
My summer, unlike other peoples', isn't over. So, let's keep it up until university starts :)


next week

okay, so as it is the last week free before University, I decided to plan in advance my whole it goes.

Monday: Salsa @BarSalsa (from 6.30pm onwards)
Tuesday: Brasilian Samba @BarSalsa (from 7 onwards)
Wednesday: Slumdog Millionaire @TheScoop (from 7pm to 9pm)
Thursday: Imperial Wharf Jazz Festival @ImperialWharf OR National Portrait Gallery (Oscar Wilde: The creation of Celebrity)
Friday: ColourScape Music Festival @Clapham Common OR Cecil Collins @Lethaby Gallery OR staying home and watching a film

sounds like a hell of a plan to me :)


You should call him seductive and sensual
The energy he releases is amazingly powerful

in the pictures, my eternal friend, Armand